Message from the 

Deputy Executive Director

of Patient-Centered Research Programs at PCORI

Dear Reviewer,

Thank you for agreeing to be a peer reviewer for PCORI. Whatever your background – patient, caregiver, scientist, or one of many others – your work will help to ensure that the research results PCORI reports have the highest levels of scientific integrity, transparency, and relevance to patients, caregivers, and other decision makers.

Your commitment to improving scientific communication as peer reviewer of PCORI’s Draft Final Research Reports (DFRRs) is inspiring. These reports can be complex – and the reviews we ask you to write are thorough and need to be done relatively quickly, to make sure that final reports are posted on the PCORI website in a timely manner. But the insights you bring as a reviewer, based on your particular expertise and experience, are an invaluable part of the process and make an important contribution to the final report. We hope the experience will be helpful to you as well – perhaps in learning more about cutting edge research in your field or preparing to develop a research project.

Finally, as a learning organization, PCORI is always looking for ways to improve the quality and relevance of the science we fund. The lessons learned in the conduct of research and in the peer review process can help us improve both our funding initiatives and our guidance to other reviewers.

On behalf of all of us who are committed to PCORI’s success, thank you again for joining our peer review team and for your ongoing efforts to improve our research reports.


Harold I. Feldman M.D., MSCE, M.S.Ed.